Monday, November 16, 2009

Introduction (Meal Time)

Hey ladies,

I have been able to create only one lesson plan thus far....this stuff i so time consuming.

I had trouble with my introduction. I have pretended that I am at a supermarket. The food and drink items will be placed iaround teh classroom and I will pretend that I am shopping according to my grocery list.

I will ask students the question "Que es esto/a? and they will be expected to give the name in english....I was wondering before I move on should the question or expression que es esto be included in the list of prerequisites??

I need a better introduction or some changes and enhancements done to this one....

What do you ladies think???

Oh the first lesson is the list of foods and drinks (vegetables and fruits; bread, cereal, pasta; milk, juice, water, milkshake, coffee, tea)

Not all of the fruots and vegetables will be given only a few.



  1. Hey fab, why not have have the students themselves pretend that they're going on a shopping spree...list the stores they want to visit and stuff they want to buy, i don't know if you want to use that as an intro or implement it sumwhere along the lines, that's wat we're doing for our multi media kit. U can cater it to ur liking. R we spose to be using standand english here..if so i don't have time for that chps. lol

  2. lol, well i asked the same thng when i first signed in to the technology blog. sometimes i do n sometimes i dnt but i guess it dont really matter.

    by the way i like your idea.

  3. I like the idea and will consider using it someweh in my lesson. The thing is i am considering the fact that they might think of it as shoping for food or at the supermarket or something but i like it so will consider it thanks!
