Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lesson Plan 3 (Meal Time)

I have managed to get to lesson three but Im having problems defining objectives, prerequisites and the content.

Thus far this is what I have nad it is in dyre/dire?? I eh no the word lol need of assistance and touching up!

OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to-
1. Identify cutlery and other utensils used at the table
2. Ask for items whilst seated at the table
3. Ask for the bill or receipt
PREREQUISITES: In order to achieve the stated objectives, students should know-
1. The conjugation of the verb ‘PODER’ in the present tense
2. The verb ‘TENER’
CONTENT: In this lesson students will learn-
1. Vocabulary for cutlery (cuchillería) and utensils (los utensilios):
· Fork (el tenedor); Knife (el cuchillo); Spoon (la cuchara); Teaspoon (la cucharita); Plate (el plato); Cup (la taza); Saucer (el platillo); Bowl (el tazón)
2. Useful expressions (expresiones útiles):
· Can I have…please- ¿Puedo tener… por favor?
· Pass the….please- Pasa el/la…por favor
· Do you have…?- ¿Tienes…?

I am lost as to what I should do from there...what needs changing or what needs to be removed

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