Saturday, November 14, 2009

Meal Time

Hey Girls,

As you may have known I have chosen the theme "Meal Time" for my unit plan asisgnment. What I would like to know is how should I cut down on my list of objectives and how should I change them around if they are not good enough.

Here is just a posisble list of what they are and any comments and suggestions are welcome.


Objectives: At the end of the unit, students should be able to-

1. Discuss their favourite foods
2. Compare their meal times to their classmates own
3. Talk about the different places they can eat
4. Design a menu for spanish cusine of their choice

My culminating activity will be role play. The students are supposed to order a meal at a restaurant.

This isn't all of the unit plan however its just something that I owuld like feedback on from you all.


  1. it seems like you are going good from what i see here. i don't think that i have as many objectives but looking at yours i think that you can make some changes like combining numbers 1 and 2, and adding something to number 3. i like number 4, it is good, it don't need nothing in total you should end up with three objectives. the culminating activity is also good.

  2. I did exactly that. I have combined objectives one and two and added something to objective number three. I expanded on my culminating activity to one which will take place at any venue where food can be ordered; a cafe, restaurant or fast food venue. The students ahve the option of choosing any one.

  3. Is this just for one lesson or in general?
