Monday, September 13, 2010

Coming to a close

Guys i've been really delinquent with this blog..i'm sorry..but i do hope we continue this even after we leave...hopefully by then i'll have a computer.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


hey ladies, WELCOME BACK!!! its only been two weeks but like the last time i would like to impress upon you to use this blog to share your ideas and seek and give help so that we may all be successful in our two courses at the end of the semester. i must say that i t has been a real pleasure being in a class with you guys and i know that it will be once more.

anyways ladies, don't forget to start a blogging.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Links to Learning

Hey ladies here is a website for the spanish lovers and also aninviotation to the french ladies to learn a little espanol. Join's free and interesting and for other language learning interest join where you have access to all kinds of foreignb languages.

Please take time to view and enjoy!

After all we ar ethe SPENCH ladies!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Link for Puzzle making

Hello ladies.
Here is the link for puzzle making. Enjoy!

One other thing...

I need to know how to mark my evaluation...the reading comprehension aspect. I have put only one thing sentence structure. does correctness come under that?? or is it the other way around??

Still Baffled

I have not been able to put in the prrof of my activities yet...OH GOSH and I am still not sure how im going to do this listening comprehension exercise. I have recorded myslef a number of times using my phone but....ah la la...its like i mighthave to upload it to the blog and then use the blog as a link to where the listening comprehension exercise will come form???


Seems like im not any better off thna you are :-(

slowly completing the lesson plans

i have typed up two lesson plans as yet but i am not entirely sure bout the correctness of the content. wish i had some means of a review critique. i am attempting to finish typing by tomorrow preferably tonight. hope you ladies are way better off.

Dios te bendiga

Dieu te benisse